

英漢字典: shut out

1. exclude; lock out排斥;遮住

    The late comers werer shut out. 晚到的人都被關在門外。

    If you close the door, you can shut out the noise. 關上那扇門,你就能把噪音隔在外邊。

    They shut out the dust by having double windows. 他們安裝雙重窗來擋塵土。

    He pulled down the blinds to shut out the sunlight. 他拉下百葉窗擋住陽光。

2. prevent from scoring in a game (在比賽中)使(對方)不能得分

    Our team hasn't shut out once this season. 本賽季我們球隊每場都贏。

    Our school basketball team shut out the visiting team at the game yesterday. 在昨天的比賽中,我校籃球隊擊敗了客隊。

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